Published July 18, 2023

Jumping Back In! Welcome (or welcome back) to

After a 6-year hiatus I’m happy to be back to the regular blog. I am hoping you will join (or re-join) me for a regular exchange on tech, life, health, pressing matters of the day and even an occasional political thought, idea or rant.

Over the past 4 years I have been working on “GrataPro” as we have developed the world’s first recognition platform designed to capture praise and gratitude for the 80M frontline service workers who have gone underappreciated (and under paid) for far too long. Given our mission and unique perspective on the human and financial value recognition can drive – I will share regularly about the phenomenon. The impact for both individuals and the businesses who employ them is incredible. When you see a company reinvigorate its culture around a commitment to “gratitude and appreciation” the benefits are not only happier and longer tenured employees – but increased sales and significant decreases in employee turnover costs. I look forward to sharing what we are learning.

Additionally, I am spending an exceptional amount of time immersed in Generative AI and all that implies. There are some fascinating opportunities in our realm of Human Capital Management and Corporate Reputation that these LLM’s (large language models) can empower. Much of my learning has also been around personal and profession curiosity and a desire to re-tool my curriculum at UT Austin to ensure we are arming our students with the appropriate weaponry to contend professionally. Actually, I need to ditch the “gun vernacular” (weaponry, armed, et). Guns is another hot button that we desperately need to address. But I digress – back to AI. Stay tuned. This is it folks, this is the big one. The Internet Age was the warm-up act – the AI headliner is going to change EVERYTHING. Literally everything.

Thanks for reading along and I hope to hear from you. Let me know what you think. I appreciate the feedback (even the blow back).

Onward and upward,


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Mark Bunting
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